Quick Change Artists appear in television advert

Back in November, the UK's premier Quick Change Artists, Keelan and Charlotte were contacted for their expertise in Magic and Quick Change to help out with the latest Rexona/Sure deodorant television advert.

After many weeks of meetings and consultations regarding the feasibilty of the quick change, the advert was shot in November in a London television studio.

The client insisted that the quick change had to be done for real and that no camera tricks were to be used. Keelan performed in the advert along with a female dancer. Charlotte consulted on the project and trained Stephania (the female dancer) to perform the quick costume change and some of the moves she uses in the show.


Sure/Rexona is a product of consumer giant Unilever. Keelan and Charlotte had already performed for Unilever at the end of 2008 with their Quick Change Magic act in India. You can see the full finished advert above by clicking play.


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